
Amber Phoenix, ADHD Coach



Let's see if you meet the criteria!

Are you a high-performing woman that often struggles with...

Focusing your attention

Completing mundane tasks

Forgetting all the things

✅ Consistently missing deadlines

Feeling scatter-brained

Mentally overwhelmed from racing thoughts


Hey sis...IT IS YOU.

As believers, we're not in the business of "claiming" what we don't want to see, but we must be willing to name what we want to change, and that's where I come in!

We all vary greatly, and I have clear solutions that are customized to how your brain functions!

If you frequently battle with these varying symptoms it's time to consider embracing the uniqueness of your mind and transform it into your superpower!

  • Chronic difficulty paying attention (inattentiveness)

  • Racing thoughts stopping you from focusing (mental hyperactivity)

  • Hyperfocus on unproductive activities (laser focus)

  • Experiencing significant short-term memory loss (working memory)

  • Make impulsive decisions

Stop letting distractions derail your progress or self-doubt overshadow your potential. Your mind holds extraordinary strengths, and with the right strategies, you can turn what feels like a challenge into your greatest asset. Imagine harnessing your creativity, focus, and energy to not only achieve your goals but to exceed them in ways you never thought possible.

  • End the shame because you aren't like everyone else

  • No longer holding on to people and environments that make you "scatter-brained"

  • Remove the self-stigma related to being neurodivergent

  • Gain clarity to flourish and accomplish your goals with strategizing, coaching and accountability

Meet Coach Phoenix

The VARY NeuroSPICY Coach

VCS was birthed and is led by a passionate and super neurodivergent leader, Amber Phoenix.

Coach Phoenix, also known as, The VARY NeuroSPICY Coach knows exactly how it feels to con battle with adult ADHD - which is why she dedicated herself to finding strategies that empowered her to embrace and transform her symptoms into her very own "superpower".

With over a decade of rich experience as a Senior HR Culture Champion in the Corporate arena, she now helps women live fulfilled lives and naturally flourish in both professional and creative spaces.

Coach Phoenix has a clear mission to increase awareness and educate her community about neurodiversity (differences in brain functions) and ADHD.

If you're a success-driven woman who is committed to self-discovery, self-development, and releasing their self-stigma toward varying ADHD traits; then apply to work with Coach Phoenix so you can Rise&Bloom "R&B" into the most authentic and prosperous version of yourself!


Our vision is to empower and inspire women with adult ADHD fully embrace their unique minds, so they may flourish in professional and creative spaces. We recognize that no two brains were created the same and how they function does from person to person. We believe neurodivergent minds are also powerful and are beautiful variations of God's creativity and artwork.


Our mission is to collaborate and create life-changing strategies and solutions for our clients, and to help them transform confusion into clarity and distractions into actions!

You deserve to understand and utilize the strengths of your neurodivergence!


You do not need an official diagnosis to experience these difficulties.

Also, experiencing these difficulties does not mean you have ADHD.

ADHDers usually experience the above-mentioned behaviors chronically.

Time is our most valuable resource, and it waits for no one. For those of us with ADHD, the struggle with analysis-paralysis can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from achieving your goals.

Book your free session today and discover how to turn your unique mind into your greatest asset.

Together, we'll create life-changing strategies that move you from confusion to clarity and from hesitation to action.

Your time is now—let's make it count!

©2024 Vary Clear Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved.